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Traditional Japanese Art Makes For Beautiful Games


The classic video game Pac-Man released in 1980 is an amusing case of using a simple image that quickly caught the attention of millions of gamers. The iconic character, with its simple pizza-slice design, is just one example of how traditional Japanese art has been used to create beautiful and engaging video games.

Incorporating Japanese Art

Over the years, many other video games have incorporated traditional Japanese art into their designs. For example, the Legend of Zelda series features many elements of Japanese culture, including architecture, clothing, and weapons. The Okami game takes things a step further by using a unique cel-shaded art style that mimics the look of traditional Japanese paintings.

Art Styles Influence

The influence of Japanese art can also be seen in the art styles of many modern video games. For example, the popular game Minecraft uses a blocky, pixelated art style that is reminiscent of traditional Japanese woodblock prints. The game Journey uses a minimalist art style that is inspired by Japanese ink paintings.
